Publish with Purpose

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The Publish with Purpose Virtual Summit features over a dozen speakers, all experts and influencers in their fields. 

Successful authors understand that the goals for their writing and the goals for their business or readers must be aligned.

Whether you're writing your first book or just finished your tenth, whether you write fiction or nonfiction, you'll discover proven strategies to increase the likelihood of your success.

During this summit, you’ll learn how to ensure you’re connecting with your readers and buyers, how to market your books, and how to tap non-bookstore retailers.

• Do you know how an author platform can help sell more books? Understand the importance of and how to build a solid author platform.

• How can you convince schools and libraries to carry your book?

• Do you understand how to leverage book awards to create more sales and publicity? Learn how to determine which competitions and categories you should submit your book to, and what to do when you win.

• Your book needs reviews! Why are they important and how do you get them?

• Are you trying to attract new clients? A book can underscore that you're the authority in your field.

There are many more topics that will help you gain a greater understanding of the publishing process (writing, launching, releasing, and marketing) and how you can build and grow a following eager to see what you do next!

This virtual summit is an unskippable event!

All these topics and so much more (including how to make your own book and marketing unskippable!) will be covered in detail in 19 interviews over the course of five days totaling more than 14 hours of great content for you to learn from.

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Although this summit is over, you can still purchase the replays!

Check out our lineup of expert speakers and sign up now to reserve your seat!

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Unlike physical conferences where you find yourself sitting through content you just don't need, Publish with Purpose is delivered entirely online!

Dip in and watch specific talks you need to transform your business and improve your chances of success, or catch them all. It’s up to you! And it's all free.

View the schedule
Schools as a Niche Market for Authors

October 09, 2019, 08:30 PM

Jane R. Wood
Amazon Ads: Get Your Book in Front of Shoppers Now

October 10, 2019, 02:30 PM

Dave Chesson
What Authors Need to Know about Working with the Media

October 10, 2019, 04:30 PM

Annie Jennings
Welcome to Publish with Purpose

October 07, 2019, 02:30 PM

Tara R. Alemany Mark Gerber

With 19 topics, the tactics you need are only a click away.

Our experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. Whether you’re focused on launching a new book or marketing one you've already released, we've got you covered.

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