Selling Your Books to Non-bookstore Buyers
A Talk by Brian Jud (Book Marketing Works, LLC, Book Marketing Works)
About this Talk
Did you know that it's possible to sell large quantities of non-returnable books to non-bookstore buyers? While most authors focus on selling their books on Amazon and to bookstores, you may benefit from approaching non-bookstore buyers with your title as well. Learn how to find and approach the right buyers for your particular book by making what you have to offer relevant to their customers.
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Brian Just has offered a 20% discount on a listing in his special sales catalogue. This service can help you sell your books on a non-returnable, commission basis to buyers in corporations, associations, schools and government agencies. Brian's national network consists of thousands of commissioned sales reps currently selling to buyers with whom they have an existing relationship.
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Brian Just has offered a 20% discount on a listing in his special sales catalogue. This service can help you sell your books on a non-returnable, commission basis to buyers in corporations, associations, schools and government agencies. Brian's national network consists of thousands of commissioned sales reps currently selling to buyers with whom they have an existing relationship.
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How to Make Real Money Selling Books
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How to Make Real Money Selling Books
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